What's the point of hearing and not doing something about it?
#hear #40daysphotochallenge #Lent #rethinkchurch #day15
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God."
3 John 1:4-6 NIV
Romans 10:14-15 NIV
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:1-8 NIV
Good day. Helped the boy buy plane tickets to Romania, his next adventure! Its almost been six months at Bible School and he interviewed and got a volunteer job at the Torch bearer school in Romania. He will be there for 2months, building a ropes course.
Also got plane tickets for the girly to come home for 5days at Easter. She gets homesick, so 3months away seems just right. She also needs to take care of some medical stuff , so its perfect timing. Its, hopefully, going to be a surprise nobody else knows. Good thing nobody reads this blog :)
I might try to double cross her and plan a birthday party for her while she is home. Its her 21st after all!
Text below taken from http://www.wordlive.org/Session/Classic/2012-02-17, because apparently I am 365 days behind in this Bible reading plan but right on schedule for where God wants me reading and learning every day :)
Prepare: How well do you know God? Ask him to help you discover more about his character today.
Patience and mercy Nineveh’s repentance was short-lived; generations following Jonah reverted to violence. In 721 BC the Assyrians conquered the noRUTern kingdom of Israel. With this cruel superpower threatening Judah’s borders (v 13) the remaining Israelites needed reassurance. Did God care? Was he strong enough to protect them?
When we face injustice we too need to be assured of God’s character (vs 3,7) and power (vs 3–6). Despite his apparent inaction in the face of injustice he does not turn a blind eye to evil; he demonstrates patience and mercy (v 3; compare with 2 Peter 3:8,9), allowing people time to repent.
Jealousy and anger By using the covenant name of God (the LORD; vs 2,3,7,12,14), Nahum reassures the people that God has not forgotten his covenant relationship. So his jealousy and anger (v 2) make sense: a loving God is rightly jealous when his people follow other gods, and right to be angry and use his power to defend them under threat.
If God were indifferent to the destructive effect of sin on his creation he would not have gone to the cross to destroy its power. God’s jealousy and anger are attributes we can’t ignore because they are evidence of his loving commitment to us.
Respond: Ask the Lord to open your eyes to injustice. Pray that those causing it would repent and that those who are suffering will hold onto God.
#see I see things different through the light of the gospel. Stress its not a normal part of life. #rethinkchurch Everything looks different seen through the eyes of #Grace and #trusting in His perfect love
"After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him." Matthew 3:16 NLT
to cover = to hide, protect, take over, take responsibility for, completely envelop, place something over something else for for protection, concealment, or warmth,... PAY IN FULL
“Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." Romans 4:7
I'm sure my messes (sins) are way worse than this,
and God covers me in His forgiveness and grace every single time.
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8
"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NLT)
Chip is always full of life wisdom. My hubby likes to look after him when we help out with dinners. Because he moves slower than everyone else, he gets in line as soon as he get's to the dinner destination when it's time to eat. Hubby likes talking with him and listening to him, and tonight I decided to give him my full attention for a little while and I was not disappointed, I actually thought of hitting the voice recorder on my phone to catch every word he was saying.
Some of the things he said really resonated with me:
"Not making a decision is the only bad decision to make. Chose one way or the other, to do or not to, to stay or to go, either choice is right, but to not decide, that is the only wrong choice to make."
"Some people look for happiness all their lives, but they never find it because they are looking on the outside. Oh, this will make me happy, or this will make me happy, but nothing on the outside can ever make you happy because happiness comes from the inside. You can be standing in the middle of a trash heap and be the happiest person alive, it's all in how you see things."
"I've had 4 TIA's, so when I look at things, I see them for the first time and for the last time. I don't take anything for granted".
So much wisdom in such a rough package.
And I remember the pity party I had today. I was so upset over the hassle and complications of getting everything together to file our taxes, I remind myself that we are so blessed by everything we have. A house, jobs, vehicles, food, money to pay our bills, comfort,... "...it's all in how you see things"
And the less that grateful mood someone has been in because there has been no answer from that job he interviewed for, that he would be very good at. Well, at least he is "choosing to keep doing something about it, even if the answer doesn't come as we want."
And as I read about the poverty in other places, and see a glimpse of the hardship of homelessness right near my own comfortable home when I reluctantly and awkwardly help every few weeks, I hear Chip's voice; 'You can be standing in the middle of a trash heap and be the happiest person alive, it's all in how you see things."
Chip could be me, or I could be Chip.
“[Anything you have...] It is due to the century and place in which you were born, to your talents and capacities and health, none of which you earned." Tim Keller
In short, all your resources are in the end — the gift of God.
A last minute acupuncture appointment that I put off making for the last 2 months had me driving back home right at sunset. I caught glimpses of the bright orange light on the top of the tall trees in front of me and the sky in my rear view mirror. I couldn't quite see the sun setting but the beauty it was making all around me was impossible to ignore. This is the same route I drive every time to and from work, but this day because of the angle of the light, it was breathtaking. I actually stopped and went down a side street to get a better direct view of the setting sun before it was too late and it was gone. The simple light filtering through trees made it magical.
I could have missed all this beauty if I wasn't looking and wasn't willing to slow down and let it speak to me. How many times does this happen with the Holy Spirit whispering to me? Slow down. look. See. listen. this is special. don't miss it.
Don't you see Him and feel Him everywhere?
John 14:15-17 NLT “If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you. #day10 #spirit #40daysphotochallenge #rethinkchurch
To truly live we must make peace with death and not fear it but actually look forward to it. Live this life like its your only one but keep your eyes fixed on eternity.
"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me."Galatians 2:20 NLT
I took this photo is the last time I saw the young adventurous young man that is my son. We took him to the airport not knowing when we will see him in person again. He is out there living out his faith as best he knows, and learning, and getting to know people, and having a blast. He is full of the gospel and has nothing but trust in God to direct his steps and open doors for him.
It's only been seven weeks, but it seems like forever ago when we last hugged him. When his schooling is over in three more weeks he plans to go from Germany to Romania for 2 months, and then hopefully to Amsterdam for God only knows how long. I can think of nothing better he could be doing with his life, than living it for His Savior.
I read today's word and audibly went "ugh!" without even thinking.
I don't want to take a photo of anything evil. I want everything to be sunshine and rainbows. I crave beauty and go out of my way to avoid ugly. I think Beauty has to be created intentionally, whereas ugly and messy happens easily, too easily.
I imagine pure blackness and the absence of light when I think of evil. I think of evil in terms of opposites; evil is the opposite of holy, the opposite of good and perfect, the opposite of order and light. The opposite of love and peace. Evil is the opposite of God, the absence of God. Evil is death.
Even if I try to avoid it, I am aware of evil every day. I believe it exists. I see it, most of the time, I don't have to look far.
To me there's obvious evil; any action that hurts anything created by God on purpose or by neglect is evil.
Abortion, abuse, slavery, oppression,...
“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people." Psalms 82:3-4
And, there's also unseen evil. A cosmic spiritual battle raging on since forever ago. Stuff I can't even begin to understand. Epic disputes between good and evil that affect us people in ways someday we will be able to clearly discern. But for now all I need to know is who wins. Who is on my side. Who fought for me and already won.
"I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind. The God of angel armies is always by my side."
It fills me with a sense of wonder every single time. Quiet, soft, fluffy rain - snow just amazes me. I love anticipate it and to watch it fall. The way it just floats down, as if it's defying gravity, the way it lands and lingers. I love looking in all directions and seeing a blanket of white over everything.
When I went to bed this morning the forecast called for heavy snow showers later on, so I curled under the covers with a sense of expectancy of what it would look like when I woke up. I almost slept for 4 hours, all was quiet in the house, except for some snoring at my right. I'm not sure what woke me up. Usually it's one or two dogs whining outside my bedroom door because they can't read time and think it's dinnertime. But not today, hubby (the snoring one) made a an awesome barricade in the hallway and the dogs had not bridged it, yet. I tried to go back to sleep, tossed and turned, but then I thought of the snow that might have fallen and it was game over for sleepytime.
I grabbed my phone and peeked out the bathroom window. I giggled to myself, and snapped a photo.
The word for today's photo challenge is "wonder". And I was wondering before going to sleep what would the "lesson of the day" be. I've been wondering that everyday actually. I try not to look at the word of the day until that morning and so far for 7 days in a row God has put together a personalized multi-sensory learning plan just for me :) It reminds me of lesson plans and unit studies I did with the kiddos when we home schooled, every day God came through and and WE learned from Him together no matter what the subject or the focus was. He still is a Teacher.
So it was no surprise when the snow and the wonder fit perfectly, today. Sometimes I take these coincidences for granted or I don't meditate enough on them. Each one is a gift made especially for me and where I am at. He knows my heart and I think He takes pleasure in making me smile, and I truly think He has a sense of humor, we share inside jokes all the time, especially word puns.
As I am wonder-struck about the winter wonderland just outside my window, and wondering about the meaning of the word wonder, a song pops into my head. It's one of those I love to hear and sing loudly (if a little off key) at church... "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, he washed it white as snow". I can hear it clearly in my head.
I go to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and right above the sink is this:
I know what is under that snow, a neglected winter backyard full of pine needles and leaves and,... dog poop. But the snow has covered all of that ugliness and everywhere I look is a blanket of pure white.
Isn't that exactly what Jesus did for me? Covered all my ugliness and sin, paid a ransom for my freedom with his blood. He did it once and for all. It's a done deal. I am covered by His sacrifice and He sees me pure and blameless and wants me to receive that perfect forgiveness and own it, and live like it.
And now that I've fed the furry creatures to stop them from making so much noise, of course they want to go outside. But I don't want them to. They are going to mess up that perfect white carpet of pure fluffiness!
But they have to go, so I let them. And the first thing all three of them do is run to the snow and attack it with their teeth and bite it, and eat it, and run, and wag their tails. They love it and enjoy fresh snow almost as much as I do, except I leave the making of yellow snow to them.
And it gets me thinking, what good is all this white snow of righteousness I am covered with, if I don't enjoy and delight in it and go out there and in a way "mess it up". Life is messy and God says His mercies are new every morning, or in my case every time I take a nap ;)
"The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness;
Jesus' sacrifice was done for everyone who chooses to believe in His perfect love. It was done once and for all. But I can, and I should, and I definitely need His mercy every single day. Every day i mess up the pretty snow, so I know I need His blanket of perfect whiteness over me more that I need to see the beauty of the snow falling.
So, I will enjoy this snow while it lasts. It is a miracle that will eventually melt and get muddy and expose the mess that is under it, but I know that my soul is settled forever in the eternal omnipotent One that has the power to make me pure as snow, and already did.
Day 3 "see"
See? I can do this.
The word see implies looking but also focus and enough light to be able to see.
What do I see? More importantly, what do I chose to see and focus on?
I can look at my circumstances, the problems of the world, the grime, the mundane, the bad news that get reported every day, the problems, the dangers,... All those are so easy to see and look at every day. They are actually hard to avoid seeing. They can take up all or vision and attention.
But I have been choosing to have a different vision or perspective. I am focusing on God and His love and His blessings and His tender care for me. This way of seeing things is available to anyone who wants to search and let the light of the gospel illuminate this dark world.
Jesus came to be the light of the world, so were can clearly see God's love all around us. Its all about focus and perspective. I'm not saying everything is beautiful and rosy, but by relying on God's word of truth we can see glimpses of His perfect plan and our part in it.
Open your eyes and see His love working everything together for good. Stress is fear and fear doesn't come from God, look for the gifts God gives you every single day and see that He is good.
Day #2 of this challenge. Photos usually don't need words to explain them, but the way I connect photos with specific words might :)
So, the word is return. I used an old photo for this one, but at least I took the photo this time.
The year was probably 2008, but this same scene plays out every day in my house, with different dogs and for different reasons. Loyal creatures patiently waiting for someone's return.
Aren't we called to patiently, expectantly, vigilantly wait for God's return?
Some days I feel like a dog faithfully waiting for my Master's return, but other days I am so busy with my own menial plans that I forget to be expectant of the awesomeness that is to come.
Some days, that is all I can think about. His return, to set things right. To be done with this world and it's corrupt was and man-made injustices. To be able to just be with Him, at his feet, in His presence. That is what I long for
Will I be jumping up and down and falling all over my Jesus when I finally see Him? I sure hope so.
Matthew 24:42 NLT “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming." -Matthew 24:42 #return#rethinkchurch#faithful#cacike #
Instead of giving something up, I am adding something. I like that better.
(I'm still giving something up, but is not as hard as it could be and my body and my wallet are definitely benefiting. It might come as a shocker, but I am giving up Dutch Bros. for lent. It helps that I only drive past it on my way to or from work. Wait, that's 6 to 8 times a week, that's more than I though, but anyway, so far 5 days into it and I'm doing goood.) Silly, I know.
Back to what I added. It is a stretch for me because of that whole habits thing, and doing something consistently for 40 days, (heck look at this blog, when was the last time I wrote... don't answer that. Let's just say I am the spontaneous sporadic type).
40 day photo challenge
I've never done one of these and it seemed challenging enough. I'm not Methodist, although some in my family are, but I like expressing through art and photos and words the changes that happen when we contemplate and seek and pray, so "rethink church" seems absolutely right up my alley.
Day one was a piece of cake. I'm not going to say I cheated but I kinda did and I didn't take the picture myself. Shocking! I know. It's one of those I've seen quite a few times, but every time I see it it speaks to me, so I tried to trace the original to be able to give credit to whomever took it, but my searches would end on pinterest and tumbler. so, whomever took this photo and added these words, well done! the express truth, and i like that. Without further adieu;
1st day 1st words: I am
Loaded 2 words #Iam#Lent#rethinkchurch#truelove #twuewov This is God's name: "I am". Given to Him by Himself. So of course, who I am depends on I am.
I've never been one to stick with things, to follow a set anything, schedule, routine, habits,...
So when lent rolled around again this year, it took me by surprise, again! Early this year too, it started the day before Valentine's day, which I found delightfully odd. Probably because I usually think of giving up chocolate.
Anyway, Lent, the practice of fasting, giving something up for ever, I mean, for 40 days. Every year I consider doing it, sometimes I do give something up, most of the time I fail miserably at giving up whatever it is I decided myself to give up. Why? I never understood this phenomenon I myself am choosing something that I think I can manage giving up for 40 days, and yet, I fail all the time. There's a lot of I's in that sentence and I think that is precisely the problem.
I read a blog about Lent, and about how failing at the "challenge" of giving something up is actually the point of giving something up for Lent. What?!?
The more I think about it the more it makes sense. I can chose something easy to give up and succeed or something hard and rely on God for strength and ultimately, His grace when I fail.
Didn't He who created everything out of nothing give it all up to come to earth as a human, and suffer to give us something we couldn't do ourselves?
Didn't He, Jesus spend forty days and forty nights with no food, in the desert, being tempted by the devil?
And I can't skip a meal, avoid sweets, not do ... whatever, for a brief period of time? What a wimp am I?!
But isn't that the point. I can't, only He can.