Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2: Return

Day #2 of this challenge.  Photos usually don't need words to explain them, but the way I connect photos with specific words might :)

So, the word is return. I used an old photo for this one, but at least I took the photo this time.

  The year was probably 2008, but this same scene plays out every day in my house, with different dogs and for different reasons.  Loyal creatures patiently waiting for someone's return.

Aren't we called to patiently, expectantly, vigilantly wait for God's return?

Some days I feel like a dog faithfully waiting for my Master's return, but other days I am so busy with my own menial plans that I forget to be expectant of the awesomeness that is to come.

Some days, that is all I can think about. His return, to set things right. To be done with this world and it's corrupt was and man-made injustices. To be able to just be with Him, at his feet, in His presence.  That is what I long for

Will I be jumping up and down and falling all over my Jesus when I finally see Him?  I sure hope so.

Matthew 24:42 NLT “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming." -Matthew 24:42 #return #rethinkchurch #faithful#cacike #

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